Business Layer Training - Wizard Validator Scripts

Wednesday, 22 August 2018 by Martin Elsworth

This Business Layer training session looks at the use of Wizard Validator Scripts in finPOWER Connect. It demonstrates the scenarios in which they should and should not be used, how the Script events work and what they can be used for.

Watch the video here.

Other Resources

The developer page on our website contains lots of useful information for customising finPOWER Connect. From this page, you can also access the developer downloads page which hosts documentation and guides that can be downloaded in pdf format.

Our context sensitive Business Layer help is available from the Scripts Page in the finPOWER Connect application. For more information on accessing and using the help, see our previous blog post here.

Code Snippets are also available via the Scripts Page in the finPOWER Connect application. For more information on accessing and using the Code Snippets, see our previous blog post here.


Any questions, comments or feedback relating to the training content, should be directed to the Intersoft Code Support team via email at