finPOWER Connect 1.03.00 Released

Friday, 25 March 2011

We are pleased to release Version 1.03.00 of finPOWER Connect today. finPOWER Connect is a revolutionary new loan management system that is the culmination of years of development effort using a whole new set of development tools and design concepts. It signals the way forward for many finPOWER Users and is specifically designed for the new era of lending, investing and customer service. Central to everything in finPOWER Connect, though, is the feedback we have had on finPOWER and all the suggestions and ideas that finPOWER Users have requested over the years.

finPOWER Connect is the primary focus of our development effort so each new version has many, many new features, ehancements and improvements. This release sees nearly 250 items added the the knowledge base.

To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.

Some of the highlights of the new version are:

  • Pre-computed Interest Loans (similar to Fixed Interest Loans in finPOWER)
  • Accounting Ledger functionality in limited Beta release (do not use in a live environment)
  • Revolving Credit Accounts in limited Beta release (do not use in a live environment)
  • Sophisticated refinancing options
  • Improved payment arrangement handling
  • Promise to Pay Arrangements
  • Bank Suspense Accounts
  • Payment Reversal handling
  • Interest Backdating
  • Interest Adjustments

For a full list of all the release notes click here.