finPOWER Connect 1.04.05 Released
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
We are pleased to announce the release of finPOWER Connect Version 1.04.05.
To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.
There are 125 changes made in this version, some of the highlights are:
- Client Key Details page can now display a Google Map of the primary physical address
- New VedaXML 'Commercial Check' Credit Enquiry product added for New Zealand
- When entering Account Payment details, the Account Number and other information is now intelligently defaulted after the Payment Method is selected
- Account Close wizard; new permission keys to allow User to open/ view information but not commit the Close
- Wizard Validator Scripts added for Account Transaction Reverse, Bank Transaction Reverse, Account Interest Change and Account Payment Arrangement Add wizards
- New Bank Import has been added for CBA Direct Entry files from the MA23 System
- Summary pages can now be styled using a custom CSS stylesheet
- Option to 'Validate postal addresses' now applicable to non-Full Verification Address Licences
- User Policies, Password History Length increased to 24
- Spelling, shortcut key Alt+F7 added, new options to automate spell checking in Log Notes, Reasons, Email body and SMS
- New Report 'New Business Report'
- Report enhancements, many, including simplified parameters for Details Reports if run from record form
- Performance improvements, many, including opening the Account form
For a full list of all the release notes click here.