finPOWER Connect 1.04.04 Released
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
We are pleased to announce the release of finPOWER Connect Version 1.04.04.
To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.
There are over 160 changes made in this version, some of the highlights are:
- Australian PPSR Interface officially released, including B2G functionality.
- Account Standard Transactions, now support Payment element types. This means you can record additional, potentially recurring payments using this facility. The main advantage over Overriding Payments is that each Standard Transaction payment can define its own payment method and banking details.
- Account Withdrawals, new Withdrawal Advice document added.
- Decision Cards, a sample Australian 100 point check Decision Card is now included. Note, this is a sample and will need to be modified to suit individual company requirements.
- Document Manager, provided Microsoft Outlook is installed, 'msg' files can now be viewed.
- Task Manager, new 'Recent Actions' report added. finPOWER Connect records actions that have been performed on Tasks and Workflows and provides a report of those actions.
- Direct Debits, new 'Minimum Threshold' setting for other Direct Debit transactions. This prevents small fees being immediately Direct Debited.
- New Bank Interfaces, including Australian CBA BPOINT export and import, Australian ANZ Direct Debit Returned Items import.
- Account Reports, where applicable, can be filtered and grouped by Creation and Close Method, new "Interest Rate" and "Current Interest Rate" columns.
- Motorweb (New Zealand), updated to use version 2.8 service, 'Confirm Owner' functionality added.
For a full list of all the release notes click here.