fdPOWER News
fdPOWER 5.03.08 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER, 5.03.08, was released on 12th March 2015 and is dated 18/02/2015.
fdPOWER 5.03.06 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER was released on 2nd October 2014 and is dated 30/09/2014.
This version includes a database upgrade.
fdPOWER 5.02.23 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER was released on 9th January 2013 and is dated 26/11/2013.
This version includes updated menus, toolbars and icons.
Funeral Directors Conference in Queenstown
The FDANZ recently held their half year conference and trade show in Queenstown.
fdPOWER 5.02.22 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER was released on 29th July 2013.
This version includes changes for the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013 in New Zealand, including amending terminology from Mother and Father to Parent 1 and Parent 2.
fdPOWER 5.02.20 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER was released on 26th April 2013.
QR Codes for the Cemetery
Visitors to graveyards in the UK may soon be able to learn much more about the people buried there, with the introduction of quick response (QR) codes on headstones.
fdPOWER 5.02.19 Released
The lastest version of fdPOWER was released on 8th of August 2012.
NZ BDM Office announces new On Line form
The NZ BDM Office has announced the planned development of an online form for Death Registrations.
EDI Interface Add-On released for NZ BDM Office's On-Line Death Notification Service
fdPOWER EDI Interface released for NZ BDM Office
fdPOWER Attends AFDA and FDANZ Conference
Adelaide, Australia was the venue for the inaugural combined Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA) and Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand (FDANZ) Conference. Being the first joint conference there was a massive turnout with over 350 Funeral Directors in attendance.