finPOWER Connect 2.01.01 Released
Thursday, 31 July 2014
We are pleased to announce the release of finPOWER Connect version 2.01.01.
To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.
Some of the highlights are:
- Accounts.
- Account Transaction and Schedule Summary Pages have been updated to version 2 Summary Pages.
- Precomputed Interest Loans; now support rounding adjustments for more precision when entering Total Interest.
- Standard Transactions; now support Withdrawal Transactions.
- Account Payment Reversal wizard; new option to not charge Document fees.
- Close Accounts wizard; Close Notes can now be specified for small balance Debit and Credit Write-Offs.
- Security Statements.
- Security Items, Owner page now includes Client and Address paste buttons.
- Task Manager.
- Branch and Entity filters added for Monitored Accounts and Workflow folders.
- Unallocated Workflows now apply User filters.
- Workflows.
- Outcomes can now be hidden.
- Security Item Logs can now link to Workflows. This is used by the PPSR G2B Search.
- Bank Account Enquiries.
- Credit Sense; Summary page history block now includes full status description.
- Pending Bank Account Enquiry wizard; new options added to handle expired Applications.
- Client Log's Action Date is now set once Report is downloaded.
- Workflows now include a new Recall event once Bank Account Enquiry report is downloaded.
- Log forms.
- New "Complete" Action button and action for Account, Client, Security Statement, Security Statement Item and User Log forms.
- Motorweb.
- New option added to stop Motor Vehicle Monitoring.
- Reports.
- Account Unearned Income Report; now includes an Accounting Ledger on the date it is completed.
- Page Sets.
- Sample Page Sets now included with setup.
- New Button Strip page object type added.
- Customs buttons now support a shortcut key.
- Button collections; now support separators.
- Grids; cells now support a tooltip and can be forced to Readonly.
- Can now run an Action Script.
- Application Shortcuts.
- New shortcut type of "ScriptEvent".
- Database Statistics.
- Database Statistic information has been added to the Document Database facility and the Debug form.
For a full list of all the release notes click here.