finPOWER Connect 1.06.00 Released
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
We are pleased to announce the release of finPOWER Connect version 1.06.00.
To upgrade to this latest version please contact your authorised Intersoft Reseller or see the Downloads page.
Some of the highlights are:
- Accounts.
- Alert Message added (up to 50 characters). Shows an alert icon on the Account form's heading and in Key Details page.
- Interest Calculations, entering Total Interest may unexpectedly fails to calculate Interest Rate fixed.
- Revolving Credit Loans, new option to "Carry forward prepaid overdue Balance".
- Disbursements, "Cost" disbursements can now be paid to the Account rather than only via an External Party.
- Payment Arrangement wizard, new option to prevent user extending payments past the Maturity date.
- Promises, added new "Promise Status" flag to each Transaction to assist Promise handling.
- Monitor Categories, updated "Review" functions to bring in line with similar functionality.
- Account Close wizard, now supports a wizard validator script.
- Declined/Unwanted pending Refinances now show as "Refinance Declined/Unwanted" rather than just "Declined/Unwanted".
- New option on Account Type to "Show Overdue in Summary pages?".
- Archives, New script added to update User Data.
- Clients.
- Alert Message added (up to 50 characters). Shows an alert icon on the Client form's heading and in Key Details page.
- Additional Communication flags added when licensed for Advanced Clients Add-On.
- Deceased Clients, various tweaks, including showing the form heading in brown.
- Employees now include an Email address.
- Client Groups now include an option to show/ hide "Other Information" page.
- Combine Clients wizard now allows merging of a Client into an existing "Branch" or "External Party" Client.
- Bank Transactions.
- Completely overhauled Import matching logic.
- Includes deleting "AccountBankMatch" table and using the BankTransactions table directly.
- Added "Alternate Match" field to Account. Added mainly to handle databases converted from finPOWER 5.
- New "ANZ Returned Items" import added from Australia.
- Bank Suspense items exported to General Ledger can now be flagged as "deleted".
- Task Manager.
- New folder type "Filter Monitored Accounts" added. Shows Accounts where Monitor Category A, B or C set.
- Monitor Category filter added to Workflow folders.
- Email.
- Email signatures can now include various "User" replaceable tags, eg [User.Mobile].
- Reports.
- Account Control Report, new option to show Transaction Statistics.
- Account Trial Balance, Accrued Interest now backdates interest to when the report is run "as at".
- Account Income and Forecast Report, Elements now include an option to include/ exclude "Opening" Account Ledger entries.
- Account Exception Report, new options for each "suspension" type added.
- Transaction List Report, new option to include/ exclude Reversed Transactions, can now be filtered by Promise Status.
- General Ledger Interface.
- New "Closed To" date option added.
- GST now supports 100% GST.
- User Security.
- When logged in as an Administrator, right clicking form tab now includes a "Locate in Permissions Explorer".
- Performance Improvements.
- User Interface improvements, especially in grids.
- Database performance, especially for SQL Server where additional indexes provide a performance boost.
For a full list of all the release notes click here.