Client Newsletter
emPOWER News
Client Newsletter
Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act Update
finPOWER Connect 1.04.00 Released
The lastest version of finPOWER Connect was released on 11th August 2011.
finPOWER Connect PPSR Update July 2011
The PPSR (Personal Property Security Register) is an Australian Government initiative to reform Securities legislation as we know it. These reforms look to standardise and rationalise all the different Commonwealth.
finPOWER Connect Web Interface released
The finPOWER Connect Web Interface and Client Connect Web Portal have been updated and now include improved examples of the functionality these web based modules offer.
Australian PPS Update
Development is progressing well on the finPOWER Connect Interface to the Australian PPSR.
finPOWER Connect 1.03.03 Released
The lastest version of finPOWER Connect was released on 24th May 2011.
finPOWER Newsletter 19 April 2011
Last week saw the finPOWER Connect Roadshow in action with Paul and Scott demonstrating finPOWER Connect to audiences in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. This week sees Napiers turn.
finPOWER Connect 1.03.01 Released
The lastest version of finPOWER Connect was released on 12th April 2011.
finPOWER Connect 1.03.00 Released
The lastest version of finPOWER Connect was released today.
finPOWER Newsletter 21 March 2011
finPOWER Connect Roadshow comes to Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in April 2011.
Australian PPSR development underway
We are pleased to announce that development has commenced on adding Australian PPSR B2G functionality to finPOWER Connect.
finPOWER Newsletter 29 November 2010
A person, business, or organisation providing financial services in or from New Zealand must be registered on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).
finPOWER Newsletter 08 October 2010
The Inland Revenue Department have just released their new Resident Withholding Tax (RWT) on interest - payer's guide IR283 for RWT rates that came into effect on 1 October 2010, coinciding with the reduction in personal tax rates.
finPOWER Newsletter 16 Aug 2010
The New Zealand Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) is now OPEN! If you are a Financial Service Provider you must register by 1st Dec 2010.
finPOWER Newsletter 8 Aug 2010
Free seminars on Dispute Resolution for Financial Service Providors needing to register under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008
finPOWER Newsletter 28 July 2010
New Zealand Finance Company pleads guilty to misleading clients - $500,000 returned to consumers.
finPOWER Newsletter 15 July 2010
Australian ASIC have released the following Credit Reform Update.
finPOWER Newsletter 7 July 2010
finPOWER Newsletter 7 July 2010: Financial Services Providers Register
'More Intrusive' Credit Reports
NZ Consumers wanting to buy on credit may soon have to provide more sensitive information
finPOWER Newsletter 21 April 2010
finPOWER Newsletter: NZ Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 and NZ Financial Advisors Act 2008