New Website

Monday, 14 June 2010

Intersoft has a new website! It's been many months in the making and has taken a great deal of time from many people. We have also taken the leap to hosting our website internally, which gives up a great deal more control over the content and provides a future platform for some exciting new tools and application demonstrations.

Our previous website was first developed over 10 years ago and was starting to look its age. The revamped website has introduced new graphics and branding and has made navigation much easier. A clearer structure, simplified navigation and improved search functions make finding product information on finPOWER, finPOWER Connect, emPOWER and fdPOWER easier than ever.

While occasional users of the site will benefit from the improved navigation menus, more frequent visitors will benefit from the logging onto “My Intersoft”, allowing the site to deliver content, including Newsletters, that is more relevant to you.

We invite you to review the new website at and would value any feedback that you have. If you would like a place feedback, email us here.