Release History



finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Released on 6 July 2016
344 articles found. Displaying page 1 of 7

FIX: Reporting; Account Details report; Payment Details section repeats when printing multiple Accounts

13924 | 28 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The "Payment Details" section in the Account Details report was always showing details for the first Account in the report when printing for multiple Accounts.

FIX: Withholding Tax Annual Reconciliation Statement Report; large variances wrap in the Tax Period breakdown

13923 | 28 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Tax Period Breakdown in the Withholding Tax Annual Reconciliation Statement Report may wrap large variances over two lines.

NEW: Contact type Application Shortcuts updated to include contact value in hyperlink

13922 | 24 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

"Contact" type Application Shortcuts, e.g., those shown on the Clients form, Contacts page for a Contact Email Address have been updated to include the actual contact value (e.g., the Email Address) rather than just the primary key of the contact method.

NEW: Centrix NZ Credit Bureau; new Client Monitoring facility added

13921 | 23 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

A new Client Monitoring facility has been added for the Centrix NZ Credit Bureau. Once a Client Monitor is loaded, you will be advised, via an email from Centrix, as new information about that Client is added into Centrix's database. The information check...

FIX: Direct Debit Stop wizard; Log Subject did not have an associated Information List

13920 | 23 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

In the Direct Debit Stop wizard, the Log Subject did not have an associated Information List.

FIX: Securitisation Repayment wizard; Selected Total not updated

13919 | 23 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Selected Total number box below the grid in the Securitisation Repayment wizard was not updated when the grid was first refreshed.

FIX: Default Interest; change to Monitor Category "In Default" logic when calculating Default Interest

13918 | 23 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

A change has been made to the logic behind Monitor Category changes and if an Account is "In Default" on a day when calculating Default Interest.

NEW: Account Applications; Accept/ Decline action now shows even if the User is not an Account Authoriser

13917 | 22 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

In the Account Applications form, the Accept/ Decline action is now shown, even if the User is not an Account Authoriser. This means the User can click on the action and see why they cannot proceed, rather than just not see the action.

FIX: Account Refinance; does not refresh the Account form immediately upon cancelling a Refinance

13916 | 21 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

If you cancel an Account Refinance, the Account form is not immediately refreshed. This means the key details summary page, for example, may still show the Account as being Refinanced.

FIX: Spelling mistakes regarding Fee charging fixed

13915 | 21 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The following places within finPOWER Connect used the wording "Fees to be changed" rather than "Fees to be charged":

NEW: Summary Page 2; Credit and Bank Account Enquiry reports; Action buttons now more pronounced

13914 | 20 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Action buttons that appear in Credit and Bank Account Enquiry reports built using the Summary Page 2 HTML builder are now bold and have a little more padding. This helps them stand out a little more in these types of report.

FIX: Archiving Account; improved error message if dated after the Global Setting "Archive To" date

13913 | 16 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

An Account may not be able to be archived and will report the message "Cannot archive Account as it is has Transactions dated after d/m/y".

NEW: MotorWeb; stop using ExecuteGetVehicleReportPdf - used to retrieve PDF version of the Vehicle Report

13912 | 15 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

MotorWeb is no longer updating the PDF version of the Vehicle Report - therefore this function has been retired within finPOWER Connect.

NEW: Australian BSB list; updated to June 2016

13911 | 15 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

BSB Added

NEW: Script Code Snippets; new snippets added for some Account functions

13910 | 13 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Additional Script Code Snippets have been added.

FIX: Log Summary shows "Publish Failed" date including a time

13909 | 14 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The built-in Log Summary page was showing the "Publish Failed" date including a time portion, however, this should only have been a date.

FIX: Account Applications; drilling down to the temporary Client can cause an unhandled exception on the Identification page

13908 | 14 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Drilling down to the temporary Client from an Account Applications can cause an unhandled exception on the Identification page. The error is "An unhandled exception has occurred. Primary Key does not exist in collection - full details on the log".

NEW: Conversion Utilities; now allow Fixed Term Loans to amend the Loan Maturity date

13907 | 13 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Whilst converting, Fixed Term Loans now allow the Loan Maturity date to be amended.

FIX: ISExcel Cells; GetString function may return an unexpected text value

13906 | 10 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The ISExcelCell object, GetString function may return an unexpected text value. For example, "664699.01" may return "664699.01000000001".

FIX: Credit Bureau Default wizard; fails to update Veda New Zealand defaults

13905 | 23 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Credit Bureau Default wizard, under the Process menu, fails to update Veda New Zealand defaults.

NEW: Security Enquiry wizard; Previous Report check message for MotorWeb service updated

13904 | 10 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Previous Report check message for MotorWeb service in the Security Enquiry wizard has been updated.

NEW: Quick Search Summary; Now displays Log, Email and SMS actions

13903 | 10 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The built-in Quick Search Summary now displays Log, Email and SMS actions for Accounts, Account Applications and Clients.

FIX: Tax Certificate Reconciliation Report; errors if no data in Year selected and including breakdowns

13902 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Tax Certificate Reconciliation Report errors if there are no Tax Certificates in the Year selected and one of the breakdown options is checked.

NEW: Security Enquiry, MotorWeb; Signup link updated

13901 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The MotroWeb Signup link has been updated in the Global Settings, Securities, MotorWeb page.

FIX: Deposit Tax Certificate Generation; better handling of addresses

13900 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

When generating Tax Certificates for Deposit Accounts, a snapshot of the address information was saved to the Tax Certificate file. This no longer occurs.

FIX: Security, MotorWeb Mailbox; Messages Downloaded grid not displaying data

13899 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Security, MotorWeb Mailbox wizard was not displaying any data in the Messages Downloaded grid.

FIX: Send SMS Message wizard; now validates Phone Number and warns not valid

13898 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Process, Send SMS Message wizard now validates the Phone Number and warns if not valid.

NEW: Send Email Message wizard; Email addresses are now validated

13897 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Process, Send Email Message wizard now validates Email addresses and warns if the address(es) entered are not valid.

FIX: Global/ User Settings; auditing not including changes to new properties

13896 | 9 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Global Settings and User Preferences were not auditing changes to new properties.

FIX: Security Enquiry wizard; the Fee confirmation warning is displayed (or not displayed) regardless of the Security Enquiry "Warn user prior to incurring a fee?" User Preference

13895 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The fee confirmation warning in the Security Enquiry wizard was displayed based upon the Credit Bureau "Warn user prior to incurring a fee?" setting, rather than the Security Enquiry setting.

NEW: Credit Bureau and Security Enquiry Services; Fee confirmation text updated

13894 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The confirmation text for external services costs has been updated to "WARNING: This function incurs a cost. For more information please refer to the Terms and Conditions of your Agreement with this Service provider. Are you sure you want to continue?"

FIX: Withholding Tax Annual Reconciliation Statement Report; may error if all Withholding Tax Types not selected

13893 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Withholding Tax Annual Reconciliation Statement Report may error if all the Withholding Tax Types are not selected, e.g. if only Resident is checked.

NEW: Bank Transaction List Report; add "Date Cleared" column

13892 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Bank Transaction List Report now includes an optional column "Date Cleared", i.e. the date funds will be cleared.

FIX: Generate Tax Certificate wizard; may report a "Tax Country not defined for Non-Resident" issue

13891 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Generate Tax Certificate wizard may report a "Tax Country not defined for Non-Resident" issue.

FIX: Reporting; Workflow Details report; New option to include User Defined sub-report

13890 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

A new option has been added to the Workflow Details report to include a User Defined sub-report which displays the Workflow's User Defined data.

NEW: Security Enquiry wizard; tooltips added for MotorWeb service

13889 | 13 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

New tooltips have been added to the Security Enquiry wizard, MotorWeb service, to explain each of the search products.

NEW: MotorWeb Vehicle Enquiry; updated Product names

13888 | 8 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

MotorWeb Vehicle Enquiry products have been renamed.

FIX: Transaction List; may print Transactions that should not be included based upon the ranges entered

13887 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Transaction List may print Transactions that should not be included based upon the ranges entered.

FIX: Deposit Statement Word VBA Document; Standard template for Australia fails to publish due to Bookmark BranchAddress2 not existing

13886 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The standard Deposit Statement Word VBA Document for Australia fails to publish due to Bookmark "BranchAddress2" not existing.

FIX: Reporting; When using a Reporting Database, reports cannot be run when using 'Integrated Security'

13885 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

If a finPOWER Connect User is logged in using Integrated Security, they are unable to run reports when a Reporting Database is configured.

FIX: Account Application Applicant; change default behaviour for setting Name details on Client

13884 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

For an Account Application Applicant, if the Client already exists, the First Name, Last Name and Company Name were not automatically being updated. This was by design.

NEW: Admin forms; Ability to bookmark records added

13883 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The following forms can now have records bookmarked:

NEW: Tools; Utilities; Configuration Security Report; Added

13882 | 4 July 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

A new Configuration Security Report has been added to the Tools, Utilities menu.

NEW: Security Item grids; add option to show the grid Filter Row

13881 | 7 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

Security Item grids now include an option to show the grid Filter Row - allowing filtering of Security Items.

NEW: Import/ Export Information wizards; Export Parameters now included with file and displayed upon Import

13880 | 1 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

When exporting information using the Export Information wizard, a new "parameters" attribute is written in the export file.

FIX: Account Types; Promotions wizard; User Defined page; Does not scroll

13878 | 1 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The User Defined page on the Account Type Promotion wizard did not scroll.

FIX: Account Applications form; Quotes page; Caption at top not always showing correct information

13877 | 1 June 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

When viewing an Account Application with multiple Quotes, the caption at the top of the Quotes page was not always showing the correct information when moving between tabs.

NEW: New "Preload information when opening database" Global and User Performance setting

13876 | 30 May 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

A new new "Preload information when opening database" setting has been added to the General, Performance page on both Global Settings and User Preferences.

NEW: Application Applicants; when creating Client Statistics, any existing "Open" Set is now "Cancelled"

13875 | 27 May 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

When creating Statistics for a Client from an Account Application Applicant, any existing "Open" Set is now "Cancelled" rather than "Rejected".

FIX: Security Statement Item Summary; "View" differences shows a wizard with editable information

13874 | 27 May 2016 | finPOWER Connect 3.00.00

The Security Statement form, Security Item page Summary Script, Enquiries block shows a "View" link in the Differences column. Clicking this link opens a form with editable information, i.e. the "Use" column can edit checked/ unchecked.

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