Release History



finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Released on 12 September 2019
58 articles found. Displaying page 1 of 2

FIX: Scripts form; Script Code page; Double-clicking blank area in Function Explorer may result in unhandled exception

16326 | 10 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Double clicking in the Function Explorer (to the right of the Script editor) or the Scripts form, Script Code page may result in an unhandled exception.

NEW: HTML Widgets; PreviewPane; New "border" startup option added to allow borderless control

16325 | 10 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

New HTML Widget PreviewPane control now has a "border" startup option which, if specified as false, removes the border from the control.

FIX: Portals; Boolean Constants inserted via tags in HTML are now lowercase

16324 | 6 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Previously, defining a Boolean Constant for a Portal and then using the <%Constant:name%> to insert it into code would insert either "True" or "False".

NEW: Business Layer; finUpdateRequests; Helper functions added to simplify Update Requests for addresses

16323 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The following helper functions have been added to the Business Layer finClientFunctions object:

FIX: Portals; Download File functionality not working correctly

16322 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

When running Portals from Web Services (i.e., outside of finPOWER Connect Desktop), no fille was being downloaded when using the page.DownloadFile function.

FIX: Portals; Pressing F5 when on the IDE page and editing Script Code does not run the Portal

16321 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Pressing F5 or clicking the "Run Portal" button when on the IDE page of the Portals form and editing Script Code did nothing.

NEW: Cost Centres; Equifax AU heading label text updated

16320 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The heading label text for Cost Centres, Equifax Australia has been updated to make it clearer what underlying service the settings relate to.

NEW: Business Layer; finUpdateRequestClientContactAddress; Added ability to initialise Address from an ISAddressDetails object

16319 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The finUpdateRequestClientContactAddress class can now be populated by the following:

NEW: HTML Widgets; widget.NotifyBusy() method added

16318 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

A new widget.NotifyBusy() method has been added so that widgets can prevent the finPOWER Connect Cloud User Interface from signing out Users during long-running processes.

FIX: HTML Widgets; non-dollar symbol currency symbols showing incorrectly

16317 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Changing the currency symbol for the database (Global Settings, Formatting) to a symbol such as the GBP pound sign caused incorrect characters to display in HTML Widgets such as the Accounts Breakdown report.

NEW: Collections; enhanced "Out of Range" exception message to include Key

16316 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Various Business Layer functions will now provide more information if an IndexOurOfRangeException occurs.

NEW: Centrix NZ; update Summary Page for Quotation Enquiry Status

16314 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Centrix New Zealand "Consumer Product Enquiry" Credit Enquiry has been updated to show the "Quotation Status" in the Summary Page displayed.

NEW: Portals; ShowHtmlWidgetModal functionality now implemented

16313 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The ability to show an HTML Widget in a Modal form has been implemented for Portals.

FIX: Centrix NZ; Summary Pages not using overriding scripts defined under Global Settings, Cost Centres, Scripts

16312 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Overriding Summary Pages defined under Global Settings, Cost Centres, Scripts, were not being used for Centrix Credit Enquiries, Monitoring and Security Enquiries.

NEW: VedaXMLNZ; update to allow new Access Purpose C4

16311 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Equifax New Zealand Consumer Credit Enquiry has been updated to support changes for the NZ Credit Reporting Privacy Code - to take affect from 1/10/2019.

NEW: HTML Widgets; TextBox; autoExpand option added for multi-line TextBoxes

16310 | 30 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The ability for a multi-line widget.UI.TextBox control to grow vertically to fit its content as it is typed by the User has been added.

FIX: Workflow Types; Improved validation of Workflow Items when saving

16309 | 30 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Saving a Workflow Type has been enhanced to ensure that each of the items in the Workflow are applicable for the Workflow Types Target (Account, Account Application, Client) and Version (1 or 2).

FIX: Client Employment; entering a "To Date" of 31/12/9999 causes an error

16307 | 30 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Entering a "To Date" of 31/12/9999 in the Client Employment form causes the error "An unhandled exception has occurred. The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime. Parameter name: value".

NEW: Equifax (Veda) Australia Credit Enquiry; Apply and ScoreSeeker products; Account Types updated for Commercial checks

16306 | 30 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Equifax (Veda) Australia Apply and ScoreSeeker products have been updated to include the list of Account Types for Commercial checks.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Grids; Context menu now has an action to "Clear Sorting"

16304 | 2 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Previously, if your sorted an HTML Widget Grid, e.g., there was no way to clear the sorting back to its default value.

FIX: Account Edit HTML Widget; Pool could not be updated

16302 | 29 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The system-supplied Account Edit HTML Widget has been updated and now allows Users to update the Account's Pool.

NEW: Deposits; Added support for New Zealand IRD Investment Income Reporting

16300 | 28 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The way in which Interest and Withholding Tax is reported to the IRD is changing on 1 April 2020.

FIX: Cost Centres; Centrix NZ, updated Wheels caption

16299 | 27 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The caption for the Centrix NZ Wheels on the Cost Centre admin form has been updated from "Import Wheels Reason For Access list" to "Import Wheels 'Reason for Access' list".

FIX: Business Layer; ISKeyValueList; ToSimpleJsonString does not preserve time portion of dates

16297 | 27 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

When serialising an ISKeyValueList to a JSON string using the ToSimpleJsonString method, time portions of date values were lost.

NEW: Banking Details; enhanced validation

16296 | 27 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The validation for various Banking property values has been updated.

NEW: ISPhoneNumberDetails object; obsoleted and new ISPhoneNumberDetails2 object introduced

16295 | 9 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The ISPhoneNumberDetails object has been obsoleted and a new ISPhoneNumberDetails2 object has been introduced.

NEW: Tax Period Reconciliation Report; updated Parameters

16294 | 26 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Parameters for the Tax Period Reconciliation Report have been updated so they are better supported in the finPOWER Connect Cloud.

FIX: Process Send Email/ SMS Message; may show the same Email/ Phone Number multiple times for an Account

16293 | 26 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

In the Process, Send Email Message and Send SMS Message, when sending to an Account or Client, the dropdown list of Email Addresses or Phone Numbers may include repeated values.

NEW: Flo2Cash Import Services [AU and NZ); may not match to original Account

16290 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

If the file was exported to Flo2Cash using either "Flo2Cash (Code) New Zealand" or "Flo2Cash (Reference) Australia" then importing the dishonour file may not match back to the original Account.

NEW: Reporting; Column reports with a left-aligned column directly following a right-aligned column now add padding

16288 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Column reports displaying left-aligned data (such as codes and text) directly after right aligned data (dates and numbers) now have left-hand padding to provide more of a visual gap between the columns.

FIX: Bank Transaction List Report; updated column widths

16287 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Column widths have been adjusted in the Bank Transaction List Report to better lay out the report.

FIX: HTML Widget; New Account wizard; Multiple Loan Advance Standard Transactions of the same Element Type may default incorrectly

16286 | 3 September 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

In the New Account wizard HTML Widget, if an Account Type (or promotion) defined two Loan Advances of the same Element Type Id and the first had a zero value and the second a non-zero value then the Financial page would incorrectly set the non-zero Loan A...

FIX: Bank Transaction List Report; errors if Reversed column included

16285 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Bank Transaction List Report fails with error if the column "Reversed" is included.

FIX: Deposits; "On Call" Deposit unexpectedly shows "Review" button on Financial Page to update the Term

16284 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

An "On Call" Deposit may unexpectedly show a "Review" button on the Account form, Financial Page, Financial Details block, under the Term.

NEW: Quick Search; Filtered out Clients now hide action buttons

16283 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

When performing a Quick Search, all Clients are searched, regardless of whether the current User's filters (or External Party restrictions) prevent the User from accessing that Client.

NEW: finAccountCalculation; minor changes to mark some functions as System Use Only

16281 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The following functions in finAccountCalculation have been marked as System Use Only:

NEW: Clients; new Permission Keys to stop a User changing Client Type and Client Group

16279 | 23 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

New Permission Keys have been added to stop a User changing a Client's Client Type and Client Group.

NEW: Database Deadlocks; updated to better handle some scenarios where the database becomes deadlocked

16278 | 22 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Occasionally a database deadlock occurs and then sometimes finPOWER Connect unexpectedly quits.

NEW: finAccountTransaction; added AccountingPeriodPk property

16277 | 22 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

A new property "AccountingPeriodPk" has been added to finAccountTransaction.

NEW: Entity Details Report; Add "Messaging" page to Report

16276 | 22 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Global Signature or Disclaimer stored on the Messaging page of an Entity can now be included in the Entity Details Report. This page will be included by default, but can be excluded by unchecking the Parameter prior to running the Report.

NEW: HTML Widgets; Grids; Changes to behaviour relating to "sticky" headers

16274 | 22 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Sticky headers are where a grid's rows scroll but the header stays in place, e.g., if you have a vertical list of Accounts which causes scrollbars to appear, without sticky headers, the grid's header row would disappear as you scrolled down.

FIX: Accounts form, Transactions page; grouped totals not calculating correctly

16273 | 22 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Transactions grid on the Accounts form, Transactions page does not show the correct grouped totals - all totals are the grand total.

FIX: MotorWeb; "Appraisal Tool"; missing Alerts

16272 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The MotorWeb "Appraisal Tool" product does not populate or display any vehicle Alerts.

FIX: Message Handler; CallerId message displays an invalid icon

16271 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The Message Handler "CallerId" event displays an invalid icon (red with black cross) in the message box and task bar icon.

FIX: Future Loan Account Schedule; reversed Default Fee transactions do not show Overdue reversed

16270 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

There is an issue with Default Fees that are due immediately, i.e. have an Overdue amount, and are reversed.

FIX: MotorWeb Monitoring Wizard; removed action buttons from Summary Page, MotorWeb Security Monitor

16269 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Removed Monitoring action buttons from the MotorWeb Monitoring Wizard, Summary Page, MotorWeb Security Monitor block.

NEW: Admin, Scripts form; maximum number of open forms increased to 10

16268 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

The maximum number of Admin, Scripts forms that can be open at the same time has been increased from 4 to 10.

NEW: MotorWeb Security Enquiry; "New Vehicle Report'" product warning added

16266 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

A product warning has been added to the MotorWeb "New Vehicle Report" product - "This Product is now obsolete. Consider using the 'Asset Check' or 'Rego Check' Products instead.".

NEW: HTML Widgets; Run Account Processes wizard; Changing dates now keeps related dates in line

16264 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

Changing dates in the Run Account Processes wizard now keep dates below them in line as per the Account Processes wizard form.

NEW: HTML Widgets; New widget.DateAddDays method added

16263 | 21 August 2019 | finPOWER Connect 3.02.01

A new DateAddDays method has been added to the JavaScript widget object.

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