Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009521

Refinanced Accounts can now be re-opened

Refinanced Accounts can now be re-opened.

A new Permission Key 'Account.Loan.Status.RefinancedToOpen' has been added. This is denied by default. This is used in combination with the Account Type setting to determine whether a closed (Refinanced) Account can be re-opened.

Upon attempting to re-open an Account that has been refinanced, the User will be alerted with a second warning informing them that they must manually address certain things, e.g., Security Statements and Refinance Transactions upon re-opening the Account. They will also need to manually close the Account that this Account was Refinanced to.

An additional audit is written upon re-opening a Refinanced Account. This details the original Account that the Account was Refinanced to.