Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009460
High Importance
Breaking Change

MotorWeb; (400) Bad Request error when retrieving VIR from Security Statement Item form

When attempting to retrieve a VIR from the Security Statement Item form, the following error may be returned:

No report found for placeOrVin 'XXXXXX'
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

This error occurred when no previous VIR existed for the specified vehicle Registration Number or VIN.

The finMotorWeb business layer object has been updated so that the ExecuteLoadVirFromPlateOrVin method will no longer return False if no VIR is found but will return True and a response that has no date in its Timestamp property. This is consistent with behaviour prior to finPOWER Connect being updated to work with the MotorWeb version 2.8 interface.