Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009373

Exporting to CSV file; Dates exported in "M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss" format

When creating a CSV file export, dates are always exported in "M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss" format.

This means Micorsoft Excel may import dates with the Day and Month around the wrong way and there is always a time portion.

This has been changed so the date format is "yyyy-M-d" where there is no time portion and "yyyy-M-d hh:mm:ss" where there is a time portion.

This works better with Excel as the day, month and year should always be imported correctly and if there is no time portion this will be omitted.

Note, the CSV file type is not ideal for Excel, as when Excel loads the file it will try to determine the best data fit for each cell/ column to. That means telephone numbers might be converted to numbers, text like "10-10" will be converted to dates etc. Therefore it is preferable to use the "MS Excel (XML Spreadsheet)" when exporting data for Excel (or other spreadsheets that support this format).