Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009131

Account Processes; Standard Transactions now processed with Payment Due Transactions

Account Processes now include a separate option to process Standard Transactions. Previously these were included with the "Transactions?" option. The "Transactions" option is now renamed "Interest and Fee Transactions".

The Standard Transactions "Process to" date is today, the same as Payment Due Transactions. This means Standard Transactions are processed at the start of a day rather than the after the day has ended. This allows related Direct Debits to be processed on the correct date, without having to process Interest transactions.

Note, Account Processes are normally run after all Transactions have been processed for the day, including transactions imported from the bank, but not available until the next day.

Note, in addition, the Business Layer version used in Account Processes is included in audit information logged within finPOWER Connect.