Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009067
High Importance
Breaking Change

Direct Debits; Changed behaviour of Standard Transactions Due Immediately

On each Element there are two settings "Is payment due immediately?" and "Direct Debit immediately?". Note, "Direct Debit immediately?" is only used where "Is payment due immediately?" is checked.

A change in the behaviour of Standard Transactions has been made with regards the "Direct Debit immediately?" option.

Previously the "Direct Debit immediately?" option was only applied to manually entered Transactions, eg those entered via Transaction Entry, and not to Transactions created via ongoing Standard Transactions defined for the Account.

This has been changed so the "Direct Debit immediately?" option is applied to both manually entered Transactions and those Transactions created via ongoing Standard Transactions defined for the Account.

This means that any existing Standard Transaction, where the Element is Due Immediately, and the Account is paid by Direct Debit should be reviewed. If the Element's "Direct Debit immediately?" option is unchecked the Transaction will no longer be Direct Debited.