Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J008194

Account Types; Fee element links not validated in Business Layer

Account Type Fee element links were not validated in the Business Layer correctly in some scenarios.

This may result in an error message whilst calculating an Account's financial values, including the following text "Cannot add Fee Transaction to Schedule - missing Element". It also means the fee is not charged to the Account.

To recreate, in code, using the finPOWER Connect Business Layer:

1. Load an Account Type.
2. Change the Default Fee, Facility Fee or Over Limit Fee basis from None to another option.
3. Save the Account Type.

If you do not reference the ElementLinks collection during these steps, the collection will not be loaded and therefore will not be validated during the Save - this is an optimisation in finPOWER Connect.

If the Default Fee, Facility Fee or Over Limit Fee basis is changed from None, the corresponding Element becomes mandatory and must be validated during the save, but wasn't.