Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J007194

Revolving Credit Loans; adding a new Loan with a Rate Table that is blank, ie uses Account Type standard Rate Table, fails

When adding a new Revolving Credit Loan with either a Startup on Ongoing Interest type of "Rate Table" finPOWER may add the Loan but not open it, leaving it as a Quote. The following message is displayed:

"Account was saved but failed to 'Open' and remains in a 'Quote' state.

The Account can be opened via the Accept or Decline wizard on the Accounts form.

Failed to Open Account 'AccountId'.

Failed to add new record in UpdateQueryBuilder.

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'RateTable'."

This occurs where the Rate Table is left blank, ie to use the Account Type's standard Rate Table.