Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J006624

Account Interest; Interest Adjustment wizard added

There is a new facility to create Interest Adjustment transactions for Accounts. This can be used to override Interest calculations, normally retrospectively to apply an adjustment.

Interest Adjustment transactions are taken into account when determining the "last charged" date for Interest. Interest transactions entered via the Transaction Entry form are not taken into account.

When backdating Interest calculations no backdating is done prior to an Interest adjustment transaction. Note, the Interest Adjustment wizard can also be used to adjust the "Backdated To" date for Interest calculations.

The wizard can be found on the Account form, Financial page. Access to the Interest Adjustment wizard can be controlled via the Permission Key "Account.InterestAdjustment".

Note, there is a new "Interest Adjustment" element under Account Types, Accounting page. This is used to post Interest adjustment transactions to. If undefined the normal Credit Interest element is used.

This wizard will create audit records, and optionally audit logs.