Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J028485

HTML Widgets; Outgoing Communication wizard; "Contacted" list does not include Client's Next of Kin and "Other" contacts

The "Contacted" dropdown on the Outgoing Communication wizard did not include Clients' "Other" contacts such as Next or Kin and other relative.

In addition the text in the dropdown list has been updated to make if easier to read.

NOTE: The format of items and the order of items in the list is different to the built-in finPOWER Connect Workflow Outgoing Communication form since the HTML Widget uses the new messaging functionality to build this list.

The following business layer function now has an additional parameter includeOtherContactMethods. This is optional, but if True will include "Other" Contact Methods such as Next of Kin. Note, the default is False to maintain backward compatibility (this is the only update to this widget):

  • finBL.AccountFunctions.GetMessagingContacts

Additionally, the "At" dropdown in the HTML Widget has been widened to accommodate for longer email addresses.

The following HTML Widget has been updated:

  • HtmlWidget_OutgoingCommunication
    • Version: 1.02 (12/04/2022)