Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J028324

Scripts; HTML Widgets; Options; New section "HTML Widget special event support"

A new section on the Options page of the Scripts form is now displayed for HTML Widget type Scripts.

This is titled "HTML Widget special event support" and currently has a single option:

  • [GetFolderCount]

If this is checked and then the "Paste Template Script Code" button is clicked on the "Script Code" page, the following event code is generated:

Case "[GetFolderCount]"
  ' Task Manager 2 folder count support
  returnValue = CStr(123)
  'returnValue = "-1" ' Folder probably contains items but may be too expensive to return a true count
  'returnValue = "Unavailable" ' Text to appear instead of a count

NOTE: This special event has been added in preparation for the Task Manager (version 2) which is due to launch in finPOWER Connect version 4; it is not currently used by any existing functionality.