Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J028247

Business Layer; Additional finAccountTypePromotionsRO.GetAvailablePromotions() Function added

The below function has been added to finAccountTypePromotionsRO.

  Public Function GetAvailablePromotions(branchId As String,
                                                                  brokerExternalPartyId As String,
                                                                  dealerExternalPartyId As String,
                                                                  clientTypeIds As ISList) As ISReadOnlyList(Of finAccountTypePromotionRO,
                                                    Optional showPromotionWhereClientTypeListEmpty As Boolean = False)

This is used by the New Account HTML Widget to determine which Promotions should be available as there may not be a finAccount object available.

The existing filters (Branch, Broker and Dealer) work by excluding a Promotion if:

  • The Promotion is filtered, and,
  • The filtered Parameter is a blank String.

As Clients are only added to the New Account HTML Widget after a Promotion has been selected, this cannot be the case. Therefore, the Parameter "showPromotionWhereClientTypeListEmpty" can be set to "True" which will allow a Promotion which is filtered by Client Type to appear as available if the Client Type list is empty.

Note: The existing function GetAvailablePromotions(account As finAccount) acts as it did before, i.e., the equivalent to "showPromotionWhereClientTypeListEmpty" being false.