Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J024787

Pending Service Requests wizard; changed how APLYiD service items work

APLYiD service items in the Pending Service Requests wizard were not working correctly - they acted like they were included, even though they cannot be included (the include column is disabled).

APLYiD lines are included in the Pending Service Requests wizard to highlight those items that are still outstanding.

Note, APLYiD does not currently support getting status updates (or deleting items) via their API - all status updates are done via a web hook callback.

A change has been made so that after 14 days the item is flagged as "Expired" within finPOWER Connect, and if expired the item can be included. At this point the "Abort" function can be used to abort the Service Request within finPOWER Connect; regardless of its status in APLYiD system. However, this does not mean the item can be updated or deleted.

Note, if finPOWER Connect later recieves a web hook callback, it will reset the item's status to reflect APLYiD's status.