Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J024583

Sample Account Application Package; Improved handling for Australia and United States

The following improvements have been made to the Sample Account Application HTML Widget.

Previously, the first page required a checkbox to be selected which stated "Are you a New Zealand resident?". This was always displayed, regardless of database country. Now, this will state "Are you are resident of [Country]?" where [Country] is the database country; e.g. "Are you a resident of New Zealand?"

A "State" dropdown list has been added for Australian and US Driver Licences, and prepopulated with the list of relevant states.

An additional start-up parameter is now accepted; "OcrImageMaxWidth". This controls the size of the image (in pixels) sent to Google for OCR text detection. Note, a smaller resolution speeds up verification, but reduces OCR accuracy. The default if not specified is 4096.

The following example HTML Widget has been updated:

  • ACCAPPHW (Sample Account Application)
    • Version: 1.06 (14/07/2020)