Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J024469

OCR; 2014 format New Zealand Driver Licence; Not picking up licence number correctly

The OCR functionality within finPOWER Connect recognised a 2014 format New Zealand Driver Licence correctly but failed to determine the licence number.

This was due to the licence number returned in the raw OCR test appearing on the line below the word "Licence" instead of after it.

Previous testing had resulted in the licence number appearing of the same line.

NOTE: 2014 format New Zealand Driver Licences differ from earlier versions since they have captions such as "Surname" and "Licence" instead of numbers to indicate the various sections and pieces of information.

NOTE: Some of our older samples and HTML Widgets may have specified an image size limit of 1024 in their Script Code. This may be too low for reliable OCR and we suggest this is updated to 4096.