Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018781

Payment Arrangements; add "User Status" field

A new "UserStatus" field has been added to Payment Arrangements. This allows an additional Status, defined by the User, to be maintained for each Payment Arrangement.

The User Status field allows up to 20 characters to be stored.

The User Status Only is only updateable via script in these places:

  • AccountPayArrangementAdd; to set initial value.
  • finBL.AccountFunctions.PaymentArrangementUpdateUserStatus; to update
  • finBL.AccountFunctions.PaymentArrangementCancel; to update when cancelled.

The Account form, Payments page, Payment Arrangements tab, includes a new "User Status" column. In addition Summary Pages have been updated to include the new Status; this includes "Payment Arrangements" (under Account, Payments page) and the Payment Arrangement drilldown form.

A new Business Layer object "finAccountPayArrangementCancel" has been added. This can utilise an "Object Events" script type "AccountPaymentArrangementCancel" to update the User Status (this is setup under Global Settings, Accounts, Scripts). Note, Payment Arrangements can only be cancelled for Revolving Credit Loan Types. In addition, a "Cancel Payment Arrangement" link has been added to the Payments page for Revolving Credit Loans.

WARNING: This uses the spare "Other" column in the database for now. In the next database upgrade the "Other" column will move to its own column - so any reporting etc. directly on the database would need to be updated. Using Business Layer functions and properties will not be affected.

The following standard Summary Page blocks have been updated:

  • "Account_PaymentArrangementsSummary" updated to version 1.01 on 30/03/2017.
  • "AccountPaymentArrangement_Summary" updated to version 1.01 on 30/03/2017.