Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J018761

Security Statement PPSR Hash; updated Business Layer to make more flexible

The finPOWER Connect Business Layer has been updated to make getting and updating the Security Statement PPSR Hash more flexible.

The PPSR Hash is a simple value generated from the Financing Statement that can be compared over time. For example, after a Financing Statement is registered the Hash is stored. Whenever a change occurs to the Security Statement the Hash is recalculated and if changed the PPSR Register Action is set to "Amend". Remember, changes to Client information, such as the address, can mean the Financing Statement needs updating.

Changes to Business Layer include:

1. finBL.SecurityRegister.GetFinancingStatementRegisterRequestHash() returns the Register Request Hash for a Security Statement (NZ).

2. finBL.SecurityRegister.GetFinancingStatementHashFromSecurityItem() returns the Register Request Hash for a Security Statement Item (AU).

3. New option in finBL.SecurityRegister.SecurityStmtUpdateSecurityRegisterStatus to set the Register Request Hash.

Note, this change has primarily been made to assist New Zealand conversions.

Warning, this area will undergo further changes due to the new replacement PPSR project in New Zealand.