Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J008740

Client AKAs; added Date of Birth and PPSR Security flag

Client AKAs for Individuals now include a Date of Birth and PPSR Security flag. Date of Birth is always available, however the PPSR Security flag is used only in New Zealand and if licensed for the PPSR Interface Add-On.

This allows more fine-grained control over which AKAs are included with a NZ Financing Statement that is registered on the NZ PPSR.

Previously, under Tools, Global Settings, Securities group, PPSR G2B page there was an option to "Include AKA's as Debtors for an Individual?". When checked all AKAs were included in the Financing Statement.

This has been modified to "Default send individual Client AKA as Debtor?", i.e. it is the default for new AKAs entered.

Each Client AKA (Individuals only) includes a "Security" flag - if checked the AKA will be included as a Debtor in the Financing Statement - and will use the overriding Date of Birth is entered.

Note, all existing AKA records will have the new "Security" flag unchecked, and therefore will not be included in a Financing Statement. There is a sample script to update Client AKA records to include them. Please contact your Dealer to discuss.