Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J017847
Breaking Change

ISWordDocuments; updating Bookmarks can add an extra paragraph if the replacement text includes new lines

When using Bookmarks in an ISWordDocument, the result may end up with additional and unexpected paragraph marks.

So, finPOWER Connect now handles things slightly differently - hence this is a breaking change.

Better handling of bookmark replacement where the replacement text includes New Lines (Paragraph Marks), but the bookmark doesn't. Technically, inserting a block of text (with paragraph marks) into a non-block of text (without paragraph marks) causes the inserted block to break the non-block into two blocks and this may cause an extra paragraph mark to be created.

Standard bookmarks that are expected to include multiple lines now convert new lines into vertical tabs, e.g. Branch.NameAndAddress. In other words, instead of including Word paragraph marks the bookmark will include line-breaks.