Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J017700

Summary Tables; new helper functions to add a blank Summary Table

Add helper functions to ISSummaryTables:

  • AddSummaryTableBlank
  • CreateSummaryTableBlank

These functions create and/ or add a blank Summary Table, returning the resultant ISSummaryTable object.

Examples of usage:

SummaryTableSigners = SummaryTables.CreateSummaryTableBlank("Signers", "{{info|No Signers listed.}}", "Signers", 3)
SummaryTables.Add("Signers", SummaryTableSigners)

SummaryTables.AddSummaryTableBlank("Signers", "{{info|No Signers listed.}}", "Signers", 3)

This replaces helper functions that were part of the standard script code in some built-in Summary Pages. For example:

SummaryTableSigners = Me.AddSummaryTableNoData("Signers", "No Signers listed.", "Signers", 3)

Private Function AddSummaryTableNoData(caption As String,
                                       text As String,
                                       captionId As String,
                                       captionHeadingLevel As Integer) As ISSummaryTable

  ' Initialise
  AddSummaryTableNoData = finBL.CreateSummaryTable()

  With AddSummaryTableNoData
    .Caption = caption
    If Len(captionId) <> 0 Then
      .CaptionId = captionId
    End If
    .CaptionHeadingLevel = captionHeadingLevel
    .TextBefore = "{{info|" & text &"}}"
    .WidthHtml = "auto"
  End With

End Function

Note, the new functions do not automatically place the text into an "info" template.