Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J010642

By Whom field; dropdown now includes the current User's Name

The "By Whom" field's dropdown list now includes the current User's Name in the following places.

Account Accept/ Decline wizard (Unwanted)
Account Application Accept/ Decline wizard (Unwanted)
Account Credit Limit Change wizard
Account Direct Debit Stop wizard
Account Interest Instruction Change wizard
Account Interest Payment Type Change wizard
Account Interest Rate Change wizard
Account Maturity Date Change wizard
Account Maturity Instruction Change wizard
Account Minimum Payment Change wizard
Account Payment Arrangement Add wizard
Account Payment Details Change wizard
Account Restructure wizard
Account Statement Change wizard
Account Workflows, Incoming Communication - "Caller" field
Account Application Workflows, Incoming Communication - "Caller" field
Client Workflows, Incoming Communication - "Caller" field

Note, the current user is recorded against each of these actions anyway - so it is always preferable to enter the name of the other person rather than the employee of the Finance Company.