Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J016627

Cancel Disbursements; new Business Layer object and scripting events added

Disbursements now include a new object and script events for use when cancelling Disbursements.

It is now possible to create an AccountDisbursementCancel object via finBL.CreateAccountDisbursementCancel() and use this to cancel Disbursements.

Note, the current finBL.AccountFunctions.DisbursementCancel function still operates exactly the same, and the same script events fire.

A script of type "Object Events", object "AccountDisbursementCancel" should be created to handle Disbursement Cancel events. After a script has been created, it must be configured under Global Settings, Accounts, Scripts page, "AccountDisbursementCancel" event script.

The script can handle four events:

Runs at the start of ExecuteCommit and can be used to validate and tweak values. Return False, with an error message, to cancel the Commit.

Runs during ExecuteCommit, after a Database Transaction has begun but before any work has started. It can be used much like the ExecuteCommitPre event, but because it is in a Database Transaction must not be used to interact with the user.

Runs during ExecuteCommit, after work has been completed but before the Database Transaction is committed. Use to implement additional functionality that must be part of the overall Commit.

Runs at the end of ExecuteCommit. Since the Database Transaction is complete use with caution. Any failure here will not affect the overall Commit.