Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J014558

Export Bank Transactions; new option for "Re-Export" to include or exclude Reversed Transactions

A new option to include or exclude Reversed Transactions when Re-Exporting Bank Transactions has been added. The default is not to include reversed Transactions.

Note, this option is only shown if there are reversed transactions.

This means if an error is detected before the file is processed at the bank, the error can be fixed and the corrected file re-exported.

In addition the Bank Export Summary Report has been updated as follows. Instead of just a Value column there is now an "Original" column (includes Reversed Transactions) and a "Value" column (excludes Reversed Transactions). The "Original" column will be checked to include if there are any reversed Transactions.

Note, the "Export Bank Transactions" audit log now includes the following additional information:

Include Reversed - whether the Include Reversed Transactions was checked by the user.
Records Exported - total number of Bank Transactions include in the export.
Value Exported - value of Bank Transactions exported.