Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015509

Cheques; Cheque Printing from within finPOWER Connect is now supported

Cheque printing is now supported in finPOWER Connect.

Firstly, and most importantly, you need to review your Cheque Stationery and work with your Dealer to design a Word Document and script code to create the actual printed cheque,.

In finPOWER Connect, add a Cheque Document under Admin, Documents - it must be of Document Type "Cheque". Under the Documents page, set the Document File Type to "Word Document" and link your Cheque Word Document in the File Name field. Complete the Cheque Document by entering script code as necessary.

Each Bank Account defines whether it supports cheque printing. Under the Bank Account's Options page there is a new section "Cheque Printing Options.". This defines the Cheque Document and new Cheque Number. Update Bank Accounts as required. Make sure you have an Outwards Cheque Payment method defined for each Bank Account.

You may now enter Cheques to be printed. This includes functions such as Account Withdrawals, Account Disbursements and Deposit Interest payments.

To print Cheques select "Print Cheques" from the Transaction menu. Select the Bank Account, From and To dates, click Next, enter any filters, then click Next to see a list of Cheque to print. Once you have selected the Cheques to print click Next to go to the Printing Options page of the wizard. In this page you can define the First Cheque Number and Printer to send the Cheque to.

You can also print Cheques in batches, pausing every 20 cheques, for example, to confirm that everything is still printing ok.

Note, if your Cheque stationery includes a pre-printed Cheque Number, it is important that the Cheque Number assigned to the Transaction matches the Cheque Number pre-printed on your cheques.

Note, if Cheques don't print correctly you may need to Void and reprint Cheques.

The following built-in Summary Pages have been updated:

"SummaryPage_BankTransactionView_TransactionsSummary" has been updated to version 1.07 on 8/10/2015.