Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J016129
Breaking Change

Account Close; ExecuteCommit function now checks if values need Recalculating

The ExecuteCommit function of the finAccountClose object now checks that the RequiresCalculation property is False.

This ensures that:

1. The last time Calculate was called it didn't fail and;
2. The Account, Close Date or Close Method have not changed since the last successful Calculate.

This is important as it means programming errors are more likely to be picked up - and with a more meaningful message, rather than "Failed to add Accrual Transactions. Failed to retrieve valid Calculation Audit data for Interest.".

Note, this is not an issue within the finPOWER Connect User Interface, only when using scripting.

For example, a Script loads an Account (this will do an automatic calculate) then changes the Close Date, e.g. moves ahead 5 days (no auto calculate). A Calculate should occur at this point.