Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015766

Account Applications; Clients and Accounts are now better validated before attempting to create a new Account or Client

When attempting to either Accept and Account Application (or Decline/ Unwant it but still create Client records) or to create a Client from an Applicant via the 'Create Now' button on the Applicant Properties wizard, the Client may fail to be created and a non-user-friendly error message returned.

For example, if the Applicant does not have a name entered, a database error specifying that the 'Client.Name' field cannot contain Null may be returned.

When saving a Client record, the following additional validations are performed:

  • The Client has a Name (or, for an Individual Client a First, Middle or Last Name)

Other validation is also performed on the Clients and Accounts before the Account is saved, e.g., to ensure that each of the Account Clients has a valid Account Role specified.

Also, the 'Create Now' button on the Applicant Properties wizard is now disabled upon creating a Client and it's caption changed to 'Update Now'. Upon closing the form after creating a Client, the Account Application form is refreshed appropriately to show the Client Id in the Applicants grid.