Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015697
High Importance

New Security Enquiry wizard; replaces the MotorWeb Enquiry form

A new Security Enquiry wizard has been added. This wizard is similar to the Credit Enquiry wizard.

This replaces the MotorWeb Enquiry form, and allows future interfaces for Security Enquiries to be added, for example the Centrix Wheels product.

This wizard can be accessed via the Security menu, or via the Security Item form (under Security Enquiry actions), which can be opened from the New Account wizard as well as the Security Statement form.

If opened from the Security Item form, the wizard includes an option to review differences between the current item and the enquiry just completed.

The Security Item summary page now includes an "Enquiries" block on the right hand side. This shows completed Enquiries and allows the user to drilldown to the Enquiry Report and also to view the differences between the Item and the enquiry. For example, if the "Chassis Number" is different. If in edit mode these differences can be updated back to the Item.

Note, MotorWeb now includes two products, namely "Vehicle Report" and "Previous Vehicle Report". The "Vehicle Report" allows you to generate a BVI or VIR Report.

The following Permission Keys are used in the wizard:

SecurityItem.Update; will prevent differences being updated

The following built-in scripts have been updated

"SummaryPage2_SecurityStmtSecurityItems_SecurityItemSummary" has been updated to version 2.01 on 29/05/2015.
"SummaryPage2_AccountSecurity_SecuritySummary" has been updated to version: 2.01 on 16/06/2015.

The following standard Summary Pages blocks have been updated:

"SecurityStmt_SecurityItemEnquiries" has been added (version 1.00 on 29/05/2015).