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Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015407

SMS auditing changes

The following SMS details were previously recorded in the ISServiceLog table:
* Request
* The request XML or, in the case of non-XML-based services such as TxtStreamNET, a semi-colon separated list of recipients including reference details in brackets, e.g., a Client Name and a Client Id or Account Id (the same text that is written to the Details field of the ISAuditLog table)
* ExtendedData
* The message that was sent.
* NOTE: Until very recently, this was not always the full message and hence could not reliably be used to determine any 'split' SMS messages (i.e., a message that was too long and had to be sent as multiple messages and therefore incur multiple charges)

The following were previously recorded in the ISAuditLog table:
* SourceId
* The Id of the SMS Service, prefixed with the text 'SMS.' e.g., 'SMS.NZ.TxTStreamXML'
* Details
* A semi-colon separated list of recipients including reference details in brackets, e.g., a Client Name and a Client Id or Account Id.
* SuccessCount
* A count of the number of recipients that could be sent to (this does NOT mean that the person received the SMS, just that the SMS service did not immediately reject it, e.g., due to an invalid phone number)
* FailedCount
* A count of the number of recipients that could not be sent to

The information that needed to be recorded consistently is:
* A list of recipients
* Including any references that can help identify them, e.g., an Account Id and Client Name
* The FULL message sent
* The Reply To Email address (where supported)
* The Sender Name

The following changes have been made to data recorded in the ISServiceLog table:
* The RequestVersion has been upped to "3.00" for all SMS services.
* The IntelTechXML service now records request information in the new RequestUrl field since it is a URL-based service.
* The NZ.TxtStreamNET service no longer records any information in the Request field.
* All SMS Services now record consistent XML data in the ExtendedData field.

The following changes have been made to data recorded in the ISAuditLog table:
* The Details field is now always Null since the SMS details are now stored fully on the ISServiceLog record which links to the ISAuditLog record.
* The new SmsMessageCount records the number of actual SMS messages (according to a standard formula, not from data returned from the SMS service) that should have been sent. Usually 1 unless the message was longer than could fit into a single SMS message.