Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015135
Breaking Change

finBatch.ExecuteCommit; If the batch is a temporary non-Saved Batch, the AllowPartialCommit parameter is forced to False

A change has been made to the finPOWER Connect Business Layer object finBatch. The ExecuteCommit method now handles the AllowPartialCommit parameter slightly differently.

If the batch is a temporary non-Saved Batch, the AllowPartialCommit parameter is forced to False. Note, this parameter is optional and its default is False.

Typically a temporary Batch is used to immediately create transactions, and it would normally be expected that the function will return True/ False depending on whether ALL the Transactions were successfully added. However, if AllowPartialCommit was set to True, this function would return True even if a transaction failed to be added - you would have to check individual Transactions in the batch to see if there were any errors. This could be easily overlooked when developing code using this function.

Note, this change also applies to finBatchBank.ExecuteCommit.