Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J015078
High Importance
Breaking Change

Motorweb; cannot complete a BVI or VIR for a vehicle that has never been enquired upon

Changes made in version 2.2.1 of finPOWER Connect mean that any new Motorweb BVI or VIR will fail if the vehicle has never been enquired upon. Doing a new BVI or VIR where the vehicle has been enquired upon previously works ok.

finPOWER Connect errors with the message "Failed to execute MotorWeb Get Vehicle Report by Plate or VIN. Failed to execute MotorWeb Get Vehicle Report. Failed to execute MotorWeb request. No transactions found for plate: XX9999".

Note. The Business Layer function finBL.SecurityEnquiryMotorWeb.ExecuteGetVehicleReportXMLFromPlateOrVin now returns False if a previous Motorweb enquiry does not exist. Use the new notFoundError parameter to determine if the error is because an enquiry was not found.