Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J014651

Bank Export services; new "WBC Payments Plus" export service added for Australia

A new Bank Export service, "WBC Payments Plus", has been added for Australia.

Note, this can either export "EFT Payment" or "Real Time Payment" records. By default a Real Time Payment is created for Westpac BSBs, i.e. those starting with "03" or "73". All other BSB's are exported as EFT Payment records.

A script can be used to amend the record type. Create a script of "Object Events" type, with an object of "Bank Export". Link this to the Bank Account's Export Service. Use the "ExportLine" event to update the Payment Type, as below.

 Case "ExportLine"
      ' A line is being exported. This can be modified if required.
      BankExportLine = DirectCast(contextData1, ISBankExportLine)

      ' EFT Payment     
      BankExportLine.SpecialType = "E"

      ' Real Time Payment
      BankExportLine.SpecialType = "RT"