Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J014594

Quick Search; Algorithm for detecting a partial Email enhanced

Previously, the Quick Search would only match a partial Email address if the User had entered the address up to and including the '@' symbol.

The algorithm has been enhanced to detect an Email address if the following rules are met:

  1. The value entered is at least 8 characters long
  2. The value contains only letters, numbers or one of the following common Email characters:
    • Full stop
    • Underscore
    • Plus
    • Minus

This means that partial emails such as 'p.a.smith' will be matched.

A few other tweaks have also been made:

  • Even if the '@' symbol is entered, if the value being matched contains a space, it will not be considered to be an Email.
    • NOTE: Single character search criteria are generally ignored, therefore if the space precedes a single character, the search will still be successful.