Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J014657

Client Type Change wizard; not updating underlying Name on the database

The Client Type Change wizard was not updating the underlying Name column on the database. This means searching and lookups show the incorrect name, or do not find the Name as expected.

This occurs when changing an Organisation (Company) to Individual.

In addition the "By Whom" authorisation field was not defaulting the currently logged in User.

Note, the finClientTypeChange Business Layer object now uses the finClient object behind the scenes to update Client information - previously it updated the database directly. This means the finClient Business Layer object can now be used to directly update the Client Type from an Individual to Company or vice versa. Use the finClientTypeChange object to include Authorisation details and an additional log.

Auditing of Client Name details has been changed to provide more comprehensive details, e.g. each name part is audited separately in a key value list.