Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J014114

Scripts; User Interface; New function to retrieve list of displayed Accounts or Clients

Within finPOWER Connect, there exists the ability to retrieve a list of Accounts, Clients or Security Statements being displayed on other forms.

For example, opening the Accounts form and loading a record will display that record's code when right-clicking in the Accounts dropdown in the Close Account wizard.

This facility is now available to Scripts which have access to the User Interface functionality, e.g., General (User Interface) type Scripts and Page Set Scripts.

The following code sample will retrieve a list of Accounts displayed on other forms:

Dim CodeDescriptionList As ISCodeDescriptionList
Dim CodeDescriptionListItem As ISCodeDescriptionListItem

' Get List
CodeDescriptionList = mUI.GetCodeDescriptionListFromEnquiryAction("GetAccounts")

' Display Contents
For Each CodeDescriptionListItem In CodeDescriptionList
finBL.DebugPrint(String.Format("{0}, '{1}'", CodeDescriptionListItem.Code, CodeDescriptionListItem.Description))

The "actionId" parameter can be one of the following:
* GetAccounts
* GetClients
* GetSecurityStmts