Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J012975

Dates; incorrectly uses "12 hour" rather than "24 hour" hour formats in a number of places

finPOWER Connect incorrectly uses a "12 hour", rather than "24 hour", hour format in a number of places. This means 1pm will is shown as "01" instead of "13".

These include:

1. Task Manager, list of events for an Account. This means items may not be in the correct order within the same day.

2. Australian PPSR B2G Message and Billing Ids. These Ids may be confusing as a time in the afternoon would look like the morning, otherwise no effect.

3. Database Purge; default Filenames for archived Audit and Service logs.

4. Bank Account Export service; smart tags [YMDHM] and [YMDHMS].