Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J011569

Payment Arrangements; may cause incorrect handling of an expected payment

After completing a Payment Arrangement, an Account may incorrectly show an expected payment.

To recreate:

1. On an Account with a Payment Due today, make sure Account Processes are run to today.

2. Complete a Payment Arrangement dated today. Make sure "Hold Overdue Value?" is checked. Note, the schedule will not include an expected payment due today.

Review the Account's schedule after the Arrangement. There is an "Expected Payment(s) due today" - and as this was not taken into account when Payment Arrangement was made the Account will appear to finish early.

NOTE: The "Expected Payment(s) due today" is only an anticipated payment and will not be shown the day after the Arrangement - so it is only an temporary issue.

finPOWER Connect has therefore been changed as follows:

Previously, expected payments due today did NOT include payments dated prior to the date of the last Arrangement.

Now, expected payments due today do NOT include payments created prior to the date the last Arrangement was created.