Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J010463

Process, Run Account Processes; May fail with error 'No value given for one or more required parameters'

Account Processes may fail with the following error:

'Failed to open Data Table'

'No value given for one or more required parameters'

This will occur if the Account Processes are filtered by Client Groups or Client Types and you are running the sample script to Process Payment Arrangement Promise Transactions (AP.PAPROM). When the script creates the SQL query, it adds the Account Processes filters to the SQLWhereBuilder, but if the filters include Client Groups or Client Types then a join to the Client table is required. This join was not added in previously released sample script.

Work Around.

Add the following join code to Public Function Main. The code should be added after the SQL Where code and before the SQL Order By code.

    ' SQL Where
    With .SqlWhere
    End With

    ' Joins for Ranges specified in Account Processes
    If Len(AccountProcesses.RangeClientGroups) <> 0 OrElse Len(AccountProcesses.RangeClientTypes) <> 0 Then
      .Joins.Add("Client", "Client.Pk", "Account.ClientPk", iseSelectQueryJoinType.Inner)
    End If

    ' Order By
    .OrderByFields.Add ...

The sample script Script_AccountProcesses_PaymentArrangementPromises.xml can be imported from the finPOWER Connect Templates folder.