Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J010373

Veda NZ Commercial Credit Enquiry; may fail to produce report

The Veda NZ Commercial Credit Enquiry may fail to produce the credit report and display a message like:

Failed to execute Summary Page Script 'BuiltIn.SummaryPage_CreditEnquiryReport_VedaXMLNZ'.

Script execution failed for Script 'BuiltIn.SummaryPage_CreditEnquiryReport_VedaXMLNZ'.

Conversion from string "Joint 1 - 1234" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

Input string was not in a correct format.

This was caused by the inbuilt script that produces the credit report not correctly handling shareholder "shares-held" when it is not strictly a number.

Note, you can click on the "Summary" tab to see the same information, but in a different format, to that displayed in the credit report.

Note, the inbuilt script "SummaryPage_CreditEnquiryReport_VedaXMLNZ" has been updated to version 1.08 (12/09/2012).