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Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J010271

Securities Register PPSR Add-On; Update to Discharge if all Items removed from Financing Statement

New Zealand Databases, Global Settings, Securities, PPSR G2B page

There is a setting to automatically update the Register action to Amend when details on the registered Security Statement are changed. If this is not ticked, then when the Security Statement is saved, a message is displayed asking the user if they would like the Register action to be updated to Amend.

If the amendment to the Security Statement will result in removing all items from the Financing Statement, then when the Security Statement is saved the register action will be upated to 'Dishcarge' instead of 'Amend' and a message will be displayed advising the user.

Australian Databases, Global Settings, Securities, PPSR B2G page

There is a setting to automatically update the Register action to Amend when details on the registered Security Item are changed. If this is not ticked, then when the Security Statement is saved, a message is displayed asking the user if they would like the Register action to be updated to Amend.

If the amendment to the Security Item results in the Item no longer applicable to be registered then the register action will be upated to 'Dishcarge' instead of 'Amend' and a message will be displayed advising the user.