Article Details
Product:finPOWER Connect
Job: J009950

Monitor Categories; updated "Review" functions

Reviewing and changing Account Monitor Categories has been updated and brought into line with other similar functions.

Monitor Category changes now include a "Reference" and the ability to create a followup log. Backdating the effective date now refreshes the Categories to what they were as at that date, and warn the user if future changes exist.

Monitor Category changes can now be "Cancelled".

New Permission Keys "MonitorCategoryACancel", "MonitorCategoryBCancel", "MonitorCategoryCCancel" and "MonitorCategoryRevise".

New Information Lists for the Log subject, "LoanLogMonCatSubjects" and "DisbLogMonCatSubjects".

Note, the underlying Business Layer object "finAccountMonitorCategoryUpdate" has been deprecated and replaced with a new object "finAccountMonitorCategoryChange". You should stop using "finAccountMonitorCategoryUpdate" and change existing code to use "finAccountMonitorCategoryChange" or "finAccountFunctions.MonitorCategoriesUpdate" in its place. At some stage in the future "finAccountMonitorCategoryUpdate" may be removed.

Inbuilt summary page script "SummaryPage_Account_Status" has been updasted to version 1.09 (9/07/2012).